Map and projects (the most frequently updated page of this blog)


vous devez chausser du 48 ou bien mettre des scholls

last post here ?
As I now prefer to write and update technical documents in my wiki, and notify people via my announcement-only twitter account, rather than write on this blog, it will be unlikely updated in the future.

So, to keep yourself updated, I suggest to check @corkami.
If you want to use an RSS reader, you can point it to this address, which doesn't require your own twitter account . For some reasons, Google Reader doesn't like it: to solve the problem, you can use a service such as Freemyfeed (no need of login/password). It gives you an url like this one, which works fine with Google Reader.


too scared to go to prison, we're unable to make decisions

I still don't have the time to write a decent blog article, but at least, I managed to do a few things since the last post (if you don't follow me on twitter or reddit):
  • Trying to improve my screencasting methodology, I created a screencast tutorial on reJava (compare with my previous one and let me know which one is better).
  • a summary of PDF tricks page, with various categories (encodings, structures, javascript...), and for each example, a handmade, clean and minimal PoC.
  • In order to study a way to document in details a binary, I created a commented IDB of a PE file packed with UPX - released as is, on request but I find it a sub-optimal way to document assembly, especially as it's not really possible to easily move this information to another IDB.
  • a small update to my PE infographics, some fixes, and improvments of the resource section.
  • a merge from the aPlib part of Kabopan as a single independent
  • a commented disassembly of Peter Ferrie's new EICAR file
  • a commented disassembly of Yosuke Hasegawa's AA86, the symbol assembler.
    Example: "Hello World" code:
  • a handy python script to rename unicode filenames (and back), very handy for these tools that don't support unicode filenames.
    ex: 日本.txt <=> &'#26085;&'#26412;.txt
  • a yED graph of intel AVX2 opcodes descriptions (png): totally useless in itself, yet all these opcodes are scary.


Mireille est une star au fin fond du Tibet

Here are a few things that I released recently but didn't get a regular blog post, just a twitter entry:
  • Usermode test(v0.1): a usermode opcode tester, covering most opcodes, including rare, obsolete, recent, undocumented, 64 bits, exception triggers, anti-debugs.... (gathering and extending the result of my previous blog entries and programs)
  • Following Peter Ferrie's article, I wrote a commented source of JJencode, the funny javascript obfuscator, along with a dumb decryption script.
  • I extended y0da's binary corpus, with various compiled files and my own experimental PEs, to build my own binary corpus. It covers a lot of different compilers, sections layout, image directories,...
  • I created a simple screencast to introduce tracing with OllyDbg, based on Oleh's tutorial.


I wear my crown of thorns, on my liar's chair

a bit of nostalgia (virii)
my first contact with a computer virus was Ping-Pong, which infected our 10 Mhz 8086. Hopefully, a magazine was giving the solution (for free!): they were giving the hex sequence to search and replace !!!
While it was a working solution, it was not exactly 'user-friendly': Hey Grandma, launch PCTools 4.30, open the hex editor, then.... err, nevermind !

My 2nd interaction with a virus was Tequila: it kept re-infecting our computer. However, because our 20 Mb hard disk was very noisy, I could eventually recognize the sound of the virus infecting the MBR ! Instant detection, but once again, not exactly the most user friendly !

Hopefully, Anti-Virus softwares are now a bit better than 'listen to your hard disk' or 'search and replace yourself' !

Mais je me lâche la main, je m’éloigne de moi...

unpacking drivers in user-mode (2)

Following my previous post on the topic, I came up with a few more tricks:
  • since packed drivers typically use ExAllocatePool*, you need a user-mode equivalent to extract the packed driver. So I just made my fake ntoskrnl call VirtualAlloc* for the trick
  • they often use RtlImageNtHeader, so I added a redirection for it in the fake ntoskrnl.
  • some drivers import HAL.DLL and CLASSPNP.SYS, I made fake ones for them too.
  • some drivers load ntoskrnl.exe manually. in this case, i'd use (under OllyDbg) multimate-assembler, with a standard snippet.
  • it's important to recognize when the driver is trying to locate ntoskrnl, to be able to correct execution. Here are the various ways that I can recall:
  1. calling SIDT will give you the IDT, which is present in ntoskrnl.
  2. calling RDMSR with ECX=176 gives you Sysenter address, you can then locate ntoskrnl header.
  3. standard range checking:
mov eax, 0ffdff12ch
mov eax, [eax]
and ax, f001
dec eax
cmp [eax], 5a4d
jnz loop

As usual, I included the (minimal) sources - happy unpacking!
Sources and binaries


Ne trouvez-vous donc pas, l'histoire un peu répétitive ?

a simple API jump
If you check Wine's source:
void WINAPI RtlCopyLuid (PLUID LuidDest, const LUID *LuidSrc)
*LuidDest = *LuidSrc;
you see that this little NtDll API is very strong: no check is done, so it could be used literally for anything. A simple way to use it is just to jump, by setting the right arguments.


...Weiß noch nicht, dass er tanzen muss

misc update
Just to let you know I updated the Map and Downloads, hoping things will be a little more detailed about my various experiments.

petite mise à jour
Simplement pour vous dire que j'ai mis à jour la Carte et les Téléchargements, en espérant que les choses soient un peu plus claires concernant mes bidouillages.


Sans réfléchir, ne me demande pas comment...

a bit of nostalgia
my first game crack was purely accidental (i own the game too!):
both edited by Microprose, F15 Strike eagle II and F19 stealth fighter had the same structure:
a small (F15|F9).COM file calling the main GAME.EXE file
what if you swap one game's .COM with the other game's ?