VMs are common in advanced packers or virii, but they seem to follow the same architectures (x86 or stack machine).
I was curious, and implemented, around a small fibonacci example, the usual models of course, but as well the TTA and Subleq ones, two models of one instruction set architectures.
Opcode-less VMs are quite small in code, but the virtual code is quite obscure - which makes an easy but annoying challenge:
typically, you would expect that MOV is the most basic opcode, and arithmetic operations tend to be more complex. But in Subleq, a standard MOV is made of 4 lines of code, while SUB+JLE is only 1.
Government revenue and spending diagram
In case you’re wondering about government spending and budgets, USAFacts
has a Sankey…
*Tags:* government, revenue, spending, USAFacts
1 day ago